12 декабря 2021

В 2021 году URVISTA заняла 38 место в Федеральном рэнкинге ПРАВО-300 по выручке, войдя таким образом в ТОП-50 лучших юридических компаний России в данной категории.

В 2021 году URVISTA отмечена в Федеральном рэнкинге ПРАВО-300 по выручке на юриста (категория менее 30 юристов). Компания заняла 23 место и вошла, таким образом, в ТОП-25 лучших юридических компаний России по выручке на юриста.

В 2021 году URVISTA отмечена в Федеральном рэйтинге ПРАВО-300 среди лидеров в сфере интеллектуальной собственности: «Регистрация» (3 группа) и «Консалтинг» (4 группа).

ПАО Сбербанк
14 сентября 2018

Юридическая компания URVISTA стала победителем в конкурсе среди партнеров Московского банка ПАО Сбербанк в номинации «ПЛАТИНА».

12 декабря 2016

ТОП-50 юридических компаний по количеству юристов

12 декабря 2015

ТОП-50 юридических компаний по размеру выручки

ТОП-50 юридических компаний по количеству юристов

Other services

Real estate registration department

URVISTA Real Estate Registration Department is a team of most experienced lawyers employing a professional approach to the accomplishment of any real estate related tasks. Undertaking any project we not only understand the full responsibility of lawyersfor the outcome, we vest the relevant financial guarantees in contractual relations with customers.

Over the years of successful work with both small items and large complexes the department experts have proved that there are no lose-lose situations, the main thing is to be able to surpass patterns and to estimate all risks to meet all challenges.

The scope of services which may be rendered to You by Real Estate Registration Department experts is as wide as a multitude of relations arising in this field.

The experience of each specialist on our team in the field of real estate includes at least ten years of effective work, therefore the list of issues that we deal with is as wide as the variety of relations that arise in regard to real estate.

Want to assess a facility for personal needs or for a bank? We will help you with that.

Want to conduct difficult negotiations with a counterparty? It is about us again.

Need to change permitted use of land? We are ready to help.

Need to sell a facility so that the end buyer is not known even to the seller? You already know the answer.

Even if you can't find an answer to your question in the list of services offered on our website, call us and we will help you deal with the problem.

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Learn more

Find the full list of services of the department «Real estate registration» and their prices by simply clicking on the link to the website of the department. There you will also find answers to frequently asked questions about the department's specialization, articles and news, a selection of videos and other valuable materials. The information on the department's website is structured in the most convenient form.

Get answers to all available questions by filling in the application «Order a call».

Real estate registration department