Other services
Attorneys Services Department of URVISTA Company is a team of professionals with a wealth of expertise in all fields of jurisprudence. The scope of services that You may request from this department is as extensive as the multitude of legal relations arising in the day-to-day life of citizens and in the course of legal entites' activity.
The scope of capabilities of Attorneys Services Department is rather extensive. Thus, our team may help You in a losing fight with court bailiffs under enforcement proceedings, dispute any denial of insurance payments or unreasonable underestimation of such payments, defend Your interests in the field of copyright as part of contractual and legal relations. Both entrepreneurs and private individuals find relevant the appropriate execution of employment relations, workplace attestation (special assessment of labor conditions) and occupational health, labour disputes which are also successfully resolved by us.
You may address the lawyers of our company to settle any of the foregoing and many other issues. Call us and we will help You cope with the problem.
Find the full list of services of the department «Attorneys services» and their prices by simply clicking on the link to the website of the department. There you will also find answers to frequently asked questions about the department's specialization, articles and news, a selection of videos and other valuable materials. The information on the department's website is structured in the most convenient form.
Get answers to all available questions by filling in the application «Order a call».