Higher educational institution: Russian State Social University (2005-2011). Specialty: Jurisprudence
Higher educational institution: Moscow Financial and Law University (2017-2018); new type of professional activity: Anti-crisis management
Professional activity
Professional experience: since 2005
From 2017 till present she has been undergoing the internship as an official receiver.
From 2008 till present she has been occupying the position of the deputy Director General of the URVISTA Legal Company. She is one of the founders and a member of top management of the URVISTA Company Group. Her main duties in the company include marketing, advertising and PR, finances and administration. Legal branches directed by her: Bankruptcy and Arbitration Management, Patenting, Licensing and Self-Regulatory Organizations and Certification.
From 2009 till 2011 she has been one of the founders of RBS-Razvitie which in 2011 joined the URVISTA Company Group. The company conducted registration and support of business in Russia and abroad, as well as Accounting support.
From 2009 till 2011 she has been one of the founders of the Edinyi Standart (Unified Standard) certification system. She developed the Voluntary Certification System documents, received the accreditation as a certifying body and organized the internal processes and organization structure. Then she was involved in developing advertising campaigns, sales department and partner network.
From 2006 till 2008 she has occupied the position of a legal assistant at the Metropolitan Legal Company. She was involved in solving issues of licensing and authorization documents in the area of construction, design, restoration, national security information, alcohol and alcohol-containing products trading, assessment and tourism, as well as preparation of documents on a turnkey basis, submitting them, supporting the license inspections and receiving licenses.