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Petropolsky Alexey Igorevich

Petropolsky Alexey Igorevich

Director General and Co-owner of the company URVISTA, SDS Single Standard Partner, Managing Partner of DIALOT Investment Company.


Higher educational institution: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (2004-2009). Specialty: State and municipal management

Professional activity

Professional experience: since 2004

From 2004 till 2007 he has been involved in organization activity within the framework of Federative Union of Inventory Specialists of Russia Non-Commercial Organization:

  • organized and conducted exhibitions, congresses, conferences, themed seminars and meetings with the participation of the Union members;
  • organized informational and consulting servicing of the Union members, as well as timely provision of periodic information regarding the issues of cadastral and technical records (inventory) of the real estate items to the members;
  • maintained contacts with other professional companies, unions and associations (of architects, accountants, auditors, adjusters, registrars, real estate brokers, land management specialists, etc.)
  • He participated in a range of developments, which included:

    • projects and programs required to ensure the activity of the Union members;
    • standards of technical inventory, cadastral and technical recording of real estate items;
    • Code of Professional Ethics of the Union members, projects of methodic recommendations, organizational, technical and economic norms and other standard process documentation required for the performance of activity of the Union members.

    In 2005 he opened his own legal company which is currently one of the leaders of the legal service market. The company’s staff includes more than 40 professional lawyers, auditors and accountants providing legal support to citizens and legal entities regarding various legal issues.

    In 2009 he founded the Edinyi Standart (Unified Standard) certification system. The company’s staff includes more than 30 managers and specialists in the area of standardization and certification.

    In 2014 he founded the Agentstvo.net real estate management agency; he actively participates in development of this new business branch.

    Since 2014 he has been involved in public activity as well: he participates in conferences, TV and radio shows. The expert opinion of Alexei regarding various legal issues is published in the leading publication media. More than 1,000 presentations with the participation of the Director General of URVISTA took place during 2 years.

Employee diplomas
Alfa Businnes Week